About This Site

Hi! I'm Tentfire. And I want to help you enjoy eating again.

Over the years I have seen so many people with a wide variety of mouth difficulties, all of which have the same outcome, difficulty eating. Small children cut teeth and make their mouth sore. Slightly older children sometimes lose several teeth at once. We get dental work done, have adult teeth pulled, lose dentures or they no longer fit properly, or even just have a sore mouth. But all results in our inability to eat ordinary food. 

A little over a year ago, I watched my uncle in the hospital struggle to get any nutrition. He couldn't chew the regular hospital food, and the soft, pureed stuff tasted like *&^%. He didn't have any teeth as they had somehow gotten 'lost' at the nursing home. I felt so bad for him not being able to enjoy food. He had lived a good, long, hard-working life (was in his late 90's) and deserved to enjoy the one thing he had left he was able to do, eating. My mom ended up cooking him custard pie without the crust and he gobbled it up! 

I had a wonderful boyfriend that, through cancer treatments, was no longer able to wear his false teeth and struggled to find foods he could 'chew'. It was a challenge. (God bless and love him in eternity). By this time I began creating a few tasty, easy-to-chew recipes for him and others in my life that had trouble eating/chewing. I know and have known quite a few people that are very frustrated with this dilemma. They want tasty food, not pureed, no-taste baby food!

Then I began losing several of my teeth. And eating enough nutritious, good tasting food has become a huge challenge, as it will be a long while until I get all work complete and can get dentures. You just can't get smoothly through the day if you are hungry all day or your body isn't satisfied with what you have put into it.

So I have decided to use my creative cooking skills to create easy-to-eat, nutritious recipes for those of us that have difficulty with chewing and/or have sore mouths. I am also seeking out ready-made foods and quick fix foods that are easy to eat and satisfying. I started this blog to share all of my creations, results and findings with you.  Whether your chewing and eating difficulties are only temporary or long-term, I do hope my blog, Toothless Dining, is of great help to you and/or a loved one. Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, comments, input, or questions you might have. I would be glad to help you all that I can.